Hurricane Dorian Response: Thank You Statement from FMEA Executive Director

Posted By: Garnie Holmes (deleted) Association News,

As Florida prepared for potentially catastrophic impacts of Hurricane Dorian, more than 1,000 lineworkers from more than 20 states answered our call for mutual aid. Dorian, at one point an extremely dangerous Category 5 hurricane, had the potential of impacting all of Florida’s 33 public power communities. We had to prepare for the worst and could not have done so without the help you were willing to provide.

Florida was fortunate that Hurricane Dorian did not make landfall in our state. While we experienced minor impacts and power outages, they were nowhere near as severe as initially expected, and nothing like the horrific violence this storm inflicted in the Bahamas. We are all acutely aware of the tragedy that could have been Florida, and our hearts go out to the people of the Bahamas. We continue to hope and pray the impacts to our friends in the Carolinas are minimal.

Hurricanes are unpredictable. We greatly appreciate your crews’ willingness to leave their families and homes to enter challenging and even dangerous situations on behalf of fellow public power communities.

This is the great value of public power. We are truly a community not bound by city, county or state lines. We are a community that exists to serve public power customers no matter where they are located. We do this because our customers are more than just customers – they are our family, neighbors and friends.

Whether you came to Florida and stayed to assist with restoration efforts, returned almost as quickly as you came, or ended up never leaving your home, please know you have our utmost gratitude. We cannot thank you enough for being there for us. If ever your community needs assistance, Florida’s public power communities will be ready to stand by your side.

- Amy Zubaly, Executive Director, Florida Municipal Electric Association