Sponsorship Opportunities

Florida Lineman Competition Hurricane & Storm Preparedness Forum FMEA Annual Conference Energy Connections Conference & Trade Show
Early Spring Late Spring Summer Fall


5 Reasons Your Business Should Be a Sponsor

1. Brand Visibility
Studies say it takes seven to eleven times for somebody to see your message and actually remember it. Now is the time to be included in the marketing materials that FMEA sends to our 33 municipal utility members comprised of over 5,700 Florida public power professionals leading up to our conferences and events.

This is an opportunity for your business to either solidify your presence in the Florida municipal utility market, or to start working on brand recall or introduction while tapping into a new market.

Brand Visability
2. Build Relationships
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are business relationships. Sponsoring FMEA events is yet another area where your business can build trust with potential customers and FMEA member utilities who spend more than $1 billion each year on products and services. You’ll form relationships with attendees, other sponsors and the FMEA team. If business is a world of connections, this is your chance to expand your network.
Build Relationships
3. Targeted Reach
FMEA events are designed for a broad cross-section of employees, from public power technical personnel to safety managers. Our events have much to offer to each segment of a utility's personnel – from directors and public power professionals involved in electric utility management and operations to information technology and communication specialists.
Targeted reach
4. Generate Leads
With event sponsorship, attendees will be a mixture of potential customers who have already heard of your business and some new potential leads. The sponsorship will put your name top of mind for those prospects who are closer to making a purchasing decision. If “out of sight, out of mind” is true, this puts your brand front and center.
Generate Leads
5. Return on Investment
Sponsoring events is all about starting quality relationships and setting the backdrop for building deeper, meaningful connections with people. The goal is to leave with a list of leads to follow up on afterward. You don’t necessarily need to make a huge profit on event day, as long as you have a long-term way to leverage your investment.