2023 Key Accounts Roundtable
Thursday, March 30, 2023
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM (EDT)
Category: Roundtables
The Key Accounts Roundtable will provide a forum for Florida public power employees interested in key customer accounts, and will offer the opportunity to exchange information including best practices, policies, procedures, legal considerations and other relevant issues.
The roundtable discussion allows each member to share issues that impact their utility. Please come prepared to discuss new developments, programs, and concerns. Please email suggested topics to ebendele@flpublicpower.com.
Who Should Attend?
- Account Executives, Commercial Services Managers, Key Accounts Representatives, Key Account Managers, Customer Service Managers, Commercial Account Representatives, and any utility staff member who has an interest in conservation-related topics.
Registration Information:
- No cost as a benefit to our members (please register for planning purposes).
- You must be logged in to register.
- Lunch provided.
- Photo ID required for entrance to JEA building.
FMEA Continuing Education Program
There are 1.5 PDH (Professional Development Hours) available for attending this event.

Parking available onsite.
Note: Group blocks have not been arranged; please call the front desk and ask to book the government rate.
$98/night downtown.
245 Water Street, Jacksonville
$98/night, just across the river.
1515 Prudential Dr, Jacksonville
$98/night, just across the river.
1201 Riverplace Blvd, Jacksonville
For More Information: