Turkey Point Nuclear Plant By Jim SaundersNews Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — Rejecting arguments about threats to Monroe County’s water supply and Biscayne Bay, an administrative law judge has ruled the state should renew a permit for a massive canal system at a Florida Power... Continue Reading
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Rep. Lawrence McClure TALLAHASSEE — Florida lawmakers continued to move forward Monday with key changes in rules for rooftop solar energy, drawing heavy opposition from the solar industry and environmental groups. But as the House State Administration & Technology Appropriations... Continue Reading
Tampa Electric Co. should be able to collect more money from customers starting in April because of higher-than-expected fuel costs for power plants, staff members of the Florida Public Service Commission recommended Thursday. The utility last month sought approval to pass along an additional... Continue Reading
Tallahassee, Fla. – The Florida Lineman Competition, which was established by the Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA), will take place Friday, Feb. 25, through Saturday, Feb. 26. Last year’s competition was canceled due to COVID-19, but this year marks its return. Electric... Continue Reading
By Jim TurnerNews Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE --- A proposal aimed at expanding investment in electric-vehicle charging stations started to move forward Tuesday in the House, despite concerns about state regulators being directed to set prices and work outside their jurisdiction. The House... Continue Reading
Tallahassee, Fla. — The Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) today honored 10 Florida Public Power utilities with “Restoring Communities Awards.” FMEA recognized utilities for either providing or receiving mutual aid following significant weather events or emergencies... Continue Reading
Tallahassee, Fla. — Duke Energy Florida customers will start seeing increased monthly bills because of higher-than-expected fuel costs for power plants. The state Public Service Commission on Tuesday approved a Duke request to collect an additional $314 million from customers, with the... Continue Reading
A dispute about whether Duke Energy Florida customers should be required to pay $7.2 million related to an outage at a power plant has gone to the state Supreme Court. The Office of Public Counsel, a state agency that represents consumers in utility issues, filed a notice Friday that it is a... Continue Reading
Tallahassee, Fla. – The Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) has once again assembled public power crews from across the state to aid with power restoration efforts in anticipation of the winter storm projected to produce widespread impacts across the South and Southern Mid-Atlantic... Continue Reading
Duke Energy Florida should be able to collect an additional $314 million from customers to pay for higher-than-expected fuel costs for power plants, staff members of the Florida Public Service Commission recommended Thursday. The plan, if approved by the commission during a Feb. 1 meeting, would... Continue Reading
Tampa Electric Co. customers could see increased bills starting in April because of higher-than-expected fuel costs for power plants. The utility filed a proposal Wednesday at the Florida Public Service Commission seeking to pass along about $165 million in additional costs to customers. The... Continue Reading
By Jim Turner - News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE --- A proposal that would direct Florida utility regulators to encourage private investment in electric-vehicle charging stations got backing Tuesday from a Senate committee, despite a concern that it might be beyond the regulators’... Continue Reading