By Jim Saunders, The News Service of Florida Florida residents and businesses likely will get hit with higher electric bills in 2023 as utilities continue to struggle with increased costs of natural gas. Florida Power & Light, Duke Energy Florida and Tampa Electric Co. filed petitions Friday... Continue Reading
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Utility Donates 400 Tons of Material to Help Create Artificial Reef off Florida’s Coast Nearly 400 tons, about 800,000 pounds, of concrete will soon find a new purpose in helping revitalize marine ecosystems off the coast of eastern Florida. OUC—The Reliable One is donating the... Continue Reading
Tallahassee, Fla. – This Sunday, August 21, marks the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA). FMEA is a member-driven association of Florida’s 33 public power utilities. As part of the association’s yearlong celebration, FMEA... Continue Reading
By Jim SaundersNews Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — Florida Power & Light on Wednesday urged the state Supreme Court to reject challenges to a settlement that increased electric rates, arguing the controversial plan is in the “public interest.” Four groups appealed to... Continue Reading
Palm Beach, Fla. – The Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) recognized members of the Florida Public Power community and two elected members of the United States Congress for their contributions to Florida Public Power during its annual conference banquet held last night in Palm... Continue Reading
Palm Beach, Fla. – During a meeting at its annual conference in Palm Beach, the Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) today elected a new slate of officers to preside over the organization’s board of directors. Serving as the executive leadership team of the board are... Continue Reading
By Jim SaundersNews Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — Florida Power & Light on Monday backed away from a controversial proposal that would have used a severe winter storm in 1989 as a basis for future power-plant projects. FPL filed a notice at the state Public Service Commission that... Continue Reading
Florida Public Service Commission members Gary Clark and Gabriella Passidomo are seeking reappointment to the utility regulatory board, while at least five other applicants are angling for their seats. With the current terms of Clark and Passidomo slated to expire in January, candidates for the... Continue Reading
KISSIMMEE— Today marks the 121st anniversary of municipally owned electric service in Kissimmee. “This celebration of 121 years of electric service in our community is extremely important to us,” said Brian Horton, KUA President and General Manager. “We continue to embrace... Continue Reading
Utility customers in some parts of North Florida could see their monthly electric bills increase in August because of higher-than-expected fuel costs for power plants. Florida Public Utilities Co., which provides electricity in Jackson, Calhoun, Liberty and Nassau counties, filed a proposal... Continue Reading
These national awards recognize service to industry and contributions to their communities Tallahassee, Fla. – Two Florida public power leaders and one Florida public power utility earned national honors for their contributions and service to local customers. Recognized today by the... Continue Reading
By Jim SaundersNews Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — Florida Power & Light plans to eliminate carbon emissions from its electricity generation by 2045 through expanding solar energy and other technology, company officials announced Tuesday. The plan, part of a broader... Continue Reading