Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA) is keeping a watchful eye on Hurricane Isaias and staying informed of all advisories. Although the storm is forecast to stay to the east of Florida’s coast, FPUA is being proactive in their response to the threat of any potential impact. FPUA has... Continue Reading
Nearly 600,000 electric customers in Florida are behind in monthly payments since the coronavirus pandemic began hammering the economy and causing massive job losses, state utility regulators were told Wednesday. While the overall number of customers late in making payments has shown some... Continue Reading
FMEA’s Electric Bill Comparison for June 2020 shows the average bills of public power utilities across Florida are $15.48 less than the average bills for investor-owned utilities per 1,000 kWh. Overall, out of fifteen ranked categories; the Utilities Commission of New Smyrna Beach reported... Continue Reading
The Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA), recognized members of the public power community with three awards: Member of the Year, Associate Member of the Year and the new Friend of Florida Public Power award. The awards, which are typically presented during the FMEA annual conference,... Continue Reading
Today, during its virtual board meeting, the Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) elected new officers to preside over the organization’s board of directors. Serving as the executive leadership team of the board are President Allen Putnam, utility director of Beaches Energy Services... Continue Reading
The Florida Public Service Commission has scheduled a meeting next week to get briefed on the financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on utility customers. During the July 29 meeting, utilities will discuss issues such as the numbers of customers who are late in making payments or who have... Continue Reading
The environmental law firm Earthjustice is seeking to intervene in a case at the state Public Service Commission to oppose a Duke Energy Florida plan to add 10 solar-power plants. Representing the League of United Latin American Citizens of Florida, Earthjustice contends that Duke’s proposed... Continue Reading
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By Jim TurnerWhile Gov. Ron DeSantis says he can’t afford a Tesla, he’s all in on adding electric-vehicle charging stations to the state’s highways. On Friday, DeSantis announced the state will spend $8.6 million from a legal settlement with Volkswagen to add 34 fast-charging... Continue Reading
By Jim Saunders Four months after Florida Power & Light received approval for a similar program, Duke Energy Florida is asking regulators to sign off on a $1 billion plan that would add 10 solar-power plants in the state. Duke filed a proposal last week at the state Public Service Commission... Continue Reading
By Jim Saunders State regulators Tuesday approved a proposal that could lead to Gulf Power Co. passing along coronavirus-related costs to customers, despite arguments that the Northwest Florida utility should be responsible for its expenses in trying to prevent the spread of the disease.The... Continue Reading
Please always remember the companies who support FMEA and the Florida Public Power community first when you need to purchase goods or services Enercon Services, Inc. ENERCON is a multi-disciplinary engineering and environmental firm focused on empowering our people and partnering with our... Continue Reading