In a recent Q&A with the American Public Power Association’s Public Power Daily, Amy Zubaly, Executive Director of the Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA), detailed how FMEA is taking a number of steps to ensure that planning for the upcoming hurricane season is not... Continue Reading
Seven Kissimmee residents have submitted applications to fill an upcoming vacancy on the Kissimmee Utility Authority board of directors. The deadline for completed applications was April 24. The outgoing director, Kathleen Thacker, has served two terms and is not eligible for... Continue Reading
Five Florida public power utilities have earned a Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3)® designation from the American Public Power Association for providing reliable and safe electric service. Homestead Energy Services, Beaches Energy Services in Jacksonville Beach, Keys Energy Services in Key... Continue Reading
The City of Leesburg Electric has donated a bucket truck to the LSSC Foundation for LSSC's Energy Programs, increasing real-world training experiences for future lineworkers in the Electrical Distribution Technology program. The truck was formerly part of Leesburg’s fleet and was replaced... Continue Reading
About $60 Million in Savings for 3.5 Million Floridians Over Next Several Months Twenty-one public power utilities in Florida have announced plans to reduce electric bills to help customers cope with the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Combined, these 21 utilities serve more than 3.5... Continue Reading
By Jim Saunders In a move that would create a utility with customers from Miami to Pensacola, Florida Power & Light and Gulf Power plan to merge in 2022, their parent company, NextEra Energy, said Wednesday. NextEra, which has long included FPL, closed a deal in January 2019 to purchase Gulf... Continue Reading
Commission Approves Electric Rate Reduction for May, Moves to Delay New Fire Services Fee With economic constraints tightening in many Tallahassee homes, the Mayor and City Commissioners approved a one-time rate reduction to provide immediate financial relief for City Utility customers. In total,... Continue Reading
By Paul Ciampoli The list of public power utilities in Florida that are reducing customers’ electric bills in response to the COVID-19 pandemic is growing. Eight more utilities and cities detailed plans that they are taking to ease the financial burden on customers. The City of... Continue Reading
By Paul Ciampoli Several public power utilities are sequestering mission-essential workers at key facilities like control rooms and power plants in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. SMUD California public power utility SMUD on April 16 began sequestering critical 24/7 employees that are... Continue Reading
FMEA is assisting Florida’s public power communities during these difficult times by providing our member utilities with opportunities to stay informed and connected while many of us work from home and practice social distancing. During this unprecedented time, FMEA continues to offer our... Continue Reading
By Paul Ciampoli, News Director, APPA The City of Lakeland Utility Committee on April 7 unanimously approved an advisory vote on public power utility Lakeland Electric’s plan for replacement power generation. Lakeland Electric’s coal-fired generator will be mothballed by Fall 2024... Continue Reading
May Bills to Drop, Assistance Programs Offered for Those Most in Need OUC’s Board of Commissioners approved far-reaching recommendations to help OUC customers and the Central Florida community impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. OUC will offer immediate relief by lowering utility bills next... Continue Reading